National Library of Finland
Open Data and Linked Data Service
Search works, persons, organizations and subjects:
Works about mikrolainat
Essays on household and microenterprise credit in Uganda
Essays on microcredit in rural Bangladesh
Flows of transformation : social orders and sustainable development in the South : final report of the research network Environment, Health and Information Activities for Communities in Africa, ENHICA
Microcredit and women's empowerment : does microcredit promote the borrowers to participate in the household decision-making process in Bangladesh?
Microcredit for rural women
Microcredit, gender and neoliberal development in Bangladesh
Microcredit, production system and technical efficiency of smallholder rice production in Northern Ghana
Microfinance, efficiency and agricultural production in Bangladesh
Mikrorahoituksen pieni käsikirja
Sustainability and mission drift in microfinance : empirical studies on mutual exclusion of double bottom lines
The impact of village development funds on community welfare in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Trade-offs, rights and responsibilities in the business of microcredit : a case study from South Africa
Vastuullinen liiketoiminta kansainvälisessä maailmassa
Verkostoluottotoiminta yrittäjäosaamisen kehittäjänä : Grameen Bank - tie ihmisten talouteen
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