National Library of Finland
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Works about sivuvaikutukset
Activated carbon amendments for sediment remediation :
Adverse events among older people associated with use of drugs with anticholinergic properties
Adverse host tissue responses in loosening of dental implants : proteolytic enzymes and peri-implant tissue destruction
Circulating glucocorticoid bioactivity and serum glucocorticoid-responsive biomarkers during steroid therapy in children and adolescents with iflammatory bowel disease
Circulating glucocorticoid bioactivity and serum glucocorticoid-responsive biomarkers during steroid therapy in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease
Clozapine : clinical studies on adverse effects and interactions
Combination antiretroviral therapy -associated lipodystrophy : insights into pathogenesis and treatment
Developmental aberrations of permanent teeth after high-dose anticancer therapy in childhood : a study on stem cell transplant recipients
Dietary electrolytes and cyclosporine toxicity : experimental studies in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Dietary fat and bile acids in the pathogenesis of gut barrier dysfunction
Drug use among the home-dwelling elderly : trends, polypharmacy, and sedation
Effects of chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure on bone and lipid metabolism in premenopausal breast cancer patients : impact of adjuvant clodronate and tamoxifen
Effects of gemfibrozil and rifampicin on the pharmacokinetics of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
Effects of opioids on ventilation and hemodynamics
Hormonien käyttö ja naisten terveys : vaihtoehdot, vaarat, hyödyt
Improving pharmacotherapy in older people : a clinical approach
Inflammation and metabolism in peritoneal dialysis : factors associated with peritoneal function, peritonitis and dialysis solutions
Insulin-related metabolic and endocrine effects of valproate in patients with epilepsy
Intrauterine contraception :
Kalsiumkloridin sivuvaikutukset
Late dermal effects of breast cancer radiotherapy
Long-term prognosis of patients treated with radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism
Lääkevahingosta kipeäksi
Lääkärin määräyksestä
Medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol in the first trimester : efficacy, side effects, women's perceptions and endocrine effects
Mikrobilääkkeiden haittavaikutukset : ilmaantuvuus ja riskitekijät
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in Finland : pharmacoepidemiology study with emphasis on serious adverse events
Nurses' evaluations of postoperative pain management in patients with dementia
Ohjeita sinulle joka saat sytostaattihoitoa
Ohjeita sinulle joka saat sädehoitoa
Oral side effects of cancer radiotherapy : modalities for prevention, control and treatment
Palliatiivinen hoito
Pathogenesis and treatment of lipodystrophy in hiv-infected patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy
Perioperative fluid therapy in neurosurgery : effects on circulatory and haemostatic variables
Pneumokokki- ja influenssarokotusohjelman toteuttaminen eläkeikäisessä väestössä : rokotushalukkuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät, rokotteiden haittavaikutukset ja pneumokokkirokotteen tuoma lisäteho keuhkokuumeen ehkäisyssä
Postmenopausaalisen hormonihoidon käytännön näkökohtia : Hormonikorvaushoidon hyödyt ja riskit
Postmenopausal hormone therapy and the risk for uterine cancers
Psychotropic medication and functional recovery following cortical stroke in aged rats
Radiation therapy of head an neck cancer with special emphasis on locoregional recurrence and adverse events
Radiation therapy of head and neck cancer with special emphasis on locoregional recurrence and adverse events
Regulation of male germ cell apoptosis by sphingosine-1-phosphate
Rokotukset : tieteelliset tutkimukset 100 vuoden ajalta osoittavat että rokotteet ovat isku immuunijärjestelmää vastaan
Röntgenhoitaja Hodgkinin tautia sairastavan potilaan ohjaajana manttelikenttähoidon aiheuttamien sivuvaikutusten ennaltaehkäisemiseksi
Second trimester medical termination of pregnancy : procedure, immediate complications and the risk of repeat termination
SSRI : onnenpilleri vai aikapommi
Statiinin uhrit
Strategies to prevent germ cell death for fertility preservation
Syöpäpotilaan oireenmukainen hoito
The effect of systemically and locally administered clodronate on bone quality
Toimiva korvausjärjestelmä
Tolerability of raltitrexed and 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in colorectal cancer patients
Treatment-related renal side-effects in pediatric cancer patients
Use and risks of prescription drugs during pregnancy : with special emphasis on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and valproic acid
Valo-projektin tuloksia Salon seudulla
Vanhusten lääkehoito
Vitamiinit, kivennäisaineet ja yrttivalmisteet
Ympäristönsuojelun vaikutukset esiin : vuorovaikutteinen viestintä arvioinnin apuna
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