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Works about eturauhassyöpä
A farewell to flat biology : three-dimensional cell culture models in cancer drug target identification and validation
Alterations in androgen receptor, estrogen receptors and their coregulatory genes in prostate cancer
Amplification and overexpression of ERBB2, uPA, TRPSI, EIF3S3 and MYC genes in prostate cancer
An experimental model of prostatic inflammation for drug discovery
Androgen receptor in transcriptional regulation and carcinogenesis
Androgen receptor signaling pathway in prostate cancer
Androgen receptor-mediated gene activation in prostate cancer cells
Androgen sensitivity of prostate cancer : special reference to prognostic factors and androgen receptor gene amplification
Antiangiogenic and proteolytic activities of prostate-specific antigen
Application of image analytic DNA cytometry and morphometry in prostatic fine needle aspiration biopsies
AUM : 1st Arctic Urological Meeting, Ylläs, Finland, 30.3.-2.4.1995
Bisphosphonate inhibition of prostate cancer cell invasion, migration and cytoskeletal organization
Chemical biology screen for prostate cancer therapeutics
Chemotherapy for castration resistant metastatic prostate cancer
Circulating forms of free prostate-specific antigen and their use in prostate cancer diagnostics
Collagen binding integrins and cancer testis antigens in prostate cancer and melanoma
Contribution of the ARLTS1 gene to prostate cancer susceptibility
Detection of prostate spesific mRNAs in circulation and in prostatic tissue
Development of novel assays for measuring different molecular forms of prostate specific antigen
Differentially expressed genes in prostate cancer
DNA damage recognition in the normal epithelium of human prostate and seminal vesicles
DNA hypermethylation in prostate cancer
Elämä kantaa : syöpäpotilaan ja lääkärin keskusteluja
Elämää eturauhassyövän kanssa
Emerging clinical impact of molecular biology in prostate cancer
ERG oncogene and its signalling in prostate cancer
Estramustine and its derivatives in potentiating radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Estrogen action in the male lower urinary tract and prostate : with a special reference to estrogen receptor subtypes (ERα and ERβ)
Eturauhasen muodonmuutosten ja PEG-geelin vaikutus jodi-125-jyvähoitojen annosjakaumiin
Eturauhasen sairaudet : ennaltaehkäisy, tutkimukset ja hoito
Eturauhassyöpä : kutsumaton kumppani
Eturauhassyöpä ja miesten kokemuksia sen kirurgisesta hoidosta
Eturauhassyöpä lisääntyy : diagnostiikka ja hoito
Eturauhassyöpäpotilaiden ja heidän puolisoidensa terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu ja parisuhde
Eturauhassyöpää sairastavan miehen seksuaalisuus ja tuen tarve
Eturauhassyöpää sairastavien miesten terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu vuoden seuranta-aikana : Health related quality of life among men with prostate cancer in one year follow-up time
Eturauhassyövän hoito : konsensuslausuma, Hanasaari 8.9.1993
Fatty acid metabolism, vitamin D[sub 3] and prostate cancer
Fibroblast growth factor 8 in the progression of hormonal cancer, cancer-associated bone formation and bone metastasis
Finnish Urological Club Meeting : February 6, 1987
Free prostate-specific antigen forms and kallikrein-related peptidase 2 : tools for prostate cancer diagnostics
From epithelial to mesenchymal : regulation of invasive cancer cell motility
Functional discovery of microRNAs and their targets in prostate and breast cancer : impact on hormonal regulation and cell proliferation
Functional study of oncogenic transcription factor ERG and its signaling in prostate cancer
Functional testing of urological cancer models by rnai and drug libraries
Gene copy number alterations in prostate cancer
Genetic epidemiology of hereditary prostate cancer in Finland
Genetic risk factors for hereditary prostate cancer in Finland : from targeted analysis of susceptibility loci to genome-wide copy number variation study
Genetic susceptibility factors for prostate cancer at chromosomal region 11q13.5
Genome-wide analysis of androgen receptor function in prostate cancer
Hereditary prostate cancer in Finland : from genetic linkage to susceptibility genes
Heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility to prostate cancer
High-throughput screening for novel prostate cancer drug targets : getting personal
hK2 and PSA : functions and targets for treatment of prostate cancer
Identification and validation of novel prostate cancer biomarkers
Identification of 1p21-22 amplification in bladder cancer and expression of non-coding RNAs in prostate cancer
Identification of epigenetic targets in prostate cancer for therapeutic development
Identification, characterization and utility of prostate-specific antigenbinding peptides
In search of high-penetrant hereditary prostate cancer susceptibility genes in Finland
In search of improved outcome prediction of prostate cancer : a biological and clinical approach
Intermittent versus continuous androgen deprivation in patients with advanced prostate cancer : the FinnProstate study VII
Intratumoral androgen biosynthesis in prostate cancer :
Kuokkavieraana syöpä
Lähtöruudussa :
Magnetic resonance imaging -based radiation therapy :
Measurement of human glandular kallikrein 2
Miehen elämänkaari : turvaa ja puhtia lisääntyviin ikävuosiin
Mies ja miehen elämä
Miten suuri lääketeollisuus kaappasi PSA-testin ja aiheutti julkisen terveydenhuollon katastrofin
Mitään salaamatta : miten selviytyä eturauhassyövästä
Molecular biomarkers and histopathological parameters in prostate cancer diagnostics and prognostics
Molecular mechanisms of androgen receptor function in vivo
New techniques and methods for decreasing healthy tissue dose in prostate cancer radiotherapy, with special reference to rectal doses
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cancer in Finnish men :
Novel spectrometric methods in detection of prostate cancer and urinary tract infection
Oma helvettini : tämä kaikki on tapahtunut
On statistical methods in prostate cancer genomics
Oncolytic adenoviruses with radiation therapy for treatment of prostate cancer
Orthotopic PC-3 tumor xenografts in studies on prostate cancer growth and metastasis
Overexpression of androgen receptor in prostate cancer
P53 and DNA damage checkpoint responses in the human prostate
Peptide based modulators of prostate specific kallikrein-related peptidases 2 and 3
Performance of the Finnish prostate cancer screening trial based on process indicators
Physiological functions of prostatic acid phosphatase
PIAS1 in androgen-regulated gene programs in prostate and breast cancer cells
PIM signaling in cancer : regulation of cell motility and metabolism
Polymorphisms in genes associated with androgen biosynthesis and metabolism as risk factors for human prostate cancer
Population-based screening for prostate cancer : weighing up the beneficial and adverse effects of screening
Primary polyestradiol phosphate versus orchiectomy for advanced prostate cancer : studies on the efficacy, cardiovascular complications, and prognostic factors
Principles of targeting sex steroid receptors in cancer drug research & development
Profiling of high-risk prostate cancer families in Finland
Prognostic factors in prostatic adenocarcinoma assessed by cytometric and histological methods
Propo : Suomen eturauhassyöpäyhdistyksen jäsenlehti
Prostate cancer : an epidemiological study in India
Prostate cancer : from molecular genetics to prognostic markers
Prostate cancer incidence among men using statins, finasteride or antidiabetic drugs : a population-based study
Prostatic acid phosphatase as a regulator of endo/exocytosis and lysosomal degradation
Quantitative analysis of novel prostate cancer markers in tissue
Regulation of androgen receptor signaling by SUMO modifications in prostate cancer cells
Regulation of growth factor signaling by vitamin D in human prostate cancer cells
Role of fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in prostate cancer
Screening and active surveillance in prostate cancer :
Seksuaalisuuden muutokset syöpään sairastuessa : tiedontarpeet ja tiedonsaanti
Serum enterolactone : determinants and associations with breast and prostate cancers
Stem cells and steroid metabolism in prostate cancer
Studies on prostate-specific antigen and prostate cancer epidemiology
SUMOylation in the regulation of androgen receptor and pioneer factor FOXA1 in prostate cancer cells
Synthesis of betulin derivatives with new bioactivities
Systems and mechanistic understanding of genetic predisposition to prostate cancer
Syöpäsäätiön XXXVII symposiumi 4.-5.2.2010
Terveyttä ja elämän voimaa eturauhassyöpäkursseilta
The effects of fibroblast growth factor 8b on reproductive organs and prostate tumorigenesis
The estrogenic action of genistein in the rodent prostatic urethra with special reference to the role of estrogen receptor subtypes (ER[alpha] and ER[beta])
The Finnish population-based prostate cancer screening trial : a clinical perspective
The role of 8q amplification and microRNAs in prostate cancer
Tissue markers and molecular mechanisms in pathogenesis and clinical progression of prostate cancer
Towards improved characterization of prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography
Traditional and novel treatments for prostate cancer : discoveries at the molecular level
TWIST and oxidative stress related biomarkers in outcome prediction of prostate cancer patients treated with radical prostatectomy
Various molecular forms of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the diagnosis of prostate cancer
Vihreän valon uusi vuosituhat
Vitamin D in human ovarian and prostate cancer
Vitamin D, lipid metabolism and prostate cancer
XIV Paulo Foundation Symposium 1999, 6-9 October 1999, Turku, Finland : proceedings
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