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Works about erotusmenetelmät
Adsorptive removal of harmful organic compounds from aqueous solutions
Advanced analysis and design methods for preparative chromatographic separation processes
Advanced analytical methods for platinum group elements :
Advanced process monitoring and control methods in mineral processing applications
Applicability of fractionation of softwood and hardwood kraft pulp and utilisation of the fractions
Bioteknisten tuotteiden erotus- ja puhdistustekniikka : Postgraduate course in down-stream processing
Catalytic pretreatments and microwave assisted hydrolysis of lignocellulosic raw materials
Chelating adsorbents in purification of hydrometallurgical solutions
Defluoridation of drinking water by using magnesia and polyaluminium chloride
Development and application of coupled discrete and continuum models in solid particles classification
Effects of the partial removal of wood hemicelluloses on the properties of kraft pulp
Enhancement of ultrafiltration process by pretreatment in recovery of hemicelluloses from wood extracts
Erityisvalmisteet silakasta
Erotustekniikat, energian käyttö ja sovellusalueet
Excess fluoride in potable water in Tanzania and the defluoridation technology with emphasis on the use of polyaluminium chloride and magnesite
Extraction and planar chromatographic separation techniques in the analysis of natural products
Fractionation of hen egg and oat lipids with supercritical fluids : chemical and functional properties of fractions
Hemicellulosic sugars to biobutanol via acid catalyzed pretreatment and acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation
Hot water extraction and membrane filtration processes in fractionation and recovery of value-added compounds from wood and plant residues
Hybrid membrane processes in industrial water treatment : separation and recovery of inorganic compounds
Hydrometallurgical recovery and leaching studies for selected valuable metals from fly ash samples by ultrasound-assisted extraction followed by ICP-OES determination
Hydrometallurgical recovery of valuable metals from secondary raw materials
Isomer separation and oil analysis
Kaasujen erotus kalvotekniikalla
Kehittyvät erotusmenetelmät : prosessikehityspäivä 1996
Kemiallisen näytteen esikäsittely
Luonnonaineiden eristys ja analytiikka
Magnetohydrostaattinen erotus
Metal Separation Technologies III : proceedings of the Symposium in honour of professor Lauri E. Holappa of the Helsinki University of Technology, Copper Mountain, Colorado, June 20-24, 2004
Method development for determination and recovery of rare earth elements from industrial fly ash
Microwave dephosphorisation of high phosphorus iron ores of the Aswan region, Egypt : developing a novel process for high phosphorus iron ore utilization
Model-based design and optimisation of hydrometallurgical liquid-liquid extraction processes
Modeling of electrolyte sorption : from phase equilibria to dynamic separation systems
Non-waste technology : Vol. 1, Espoo, June 20-23, 1989
Ohran hordeiinien uuttuminen ja metallikatalysoitu oksidaatio
Orgaanisen kemian synteesimenetelmät ja mikrokemialliset työtavat
Paper machine white water treatment in channel flow : integration of passive deaeration and selective flotation
Papermaking science and technology : Book 4, Papermaking chemistry
Peltobiomassojen mekaaninen ja biotekninen fraktiointi eri kuitujakeisiin
Peroksihappokeiton erotusmenetelmät
Pervaporation of alcohol/water mixtures using ultra-thin zeolite membranes : membrane performance and modeling
Piparminttuöljyn erotusmenetelmät : ylikriittinen uutto hiilidioksidilla
Plant secondary metabolites in Peucedanum palustre and Angelica archangelica and their plant cell cultures
PSE (Pressurized Solvent Extraction) -tekniikan soveltaminen ja menetelmän kehittäminen viljojen lipidien uuttoon
Purification of pharmaceuticals and nutraceutical compounds by sub- and supercritical chromatography and extraction
Purification of pharmaceuticals and nutraceutical compounds by sub- and supercritical extraction and chromatography
Raudan erotusmenetelmät hydrometallurgiassa ja galvanotekniikassa
Recovery of biomass-derived valuable compounds using chromatographic and membrane separations
Reflectance spectrum analysis of mineral flotation froths and slurries
Removal of xylan from birch kraft pulps and the effect of its removal on fiber properties, colloidal interactions and retention in papermaking
SO₂-ethanol-water (SEW) fractionation of lignocellulosics
Supercritical fluid extraction in the analysis of PCDD/PCDFs and PCBs in soil and sediment and in the separation of bioactive compounds in St. John's wort
The effect of structure on the dilute solution properties of branched polysaccharides studied with SEC and AsFlFFF
The effects of amphiphilic aggregation and phase equilibria on metal extraction processes
The Jarogain process for metals recovery from jarosite and electric arc furnace dust :
Towards sustainable and efficient biofuels production : use of pervaporation in product recovery and purification
Tutkielma pervaporaatiosta erotusmenetelmänä sekä sen eräistä sovellutuskohteista
Vahvamagneettisen erotuksen soveltaminen suomalaisten metalli- ja teollisuusmineraalimalmien rikastuksessa : kirjallisuuskatsaus
Vesi-imukuivain veden mekaanisessa erottamisessa : Timo Niemi
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