National Library of Finland
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Works about toksiinit
Aflatoxin binding by probiotics : experimental studies on intestinal aflatoxin transport, metabolism and toxicity
Assessment and control of Bacillus cereus emetic toxin in food
Bacillus cereus spores and cereulide in food-borne illness
BC-suojelulääkintä : vuosien 1991-94 tilannekatsaus
Botulinum toxin A treatment in children with spastic cerebral palsy : studies on injection techniques and doses
Characterisation of cyanobacterial strains originating from the Baltic Sea with emphasis on Nodularia and its toxin, Nodularin
Contributions to risk assessment of microcystins, cyanobacterial toxins : development of immunoanalysis and characterization of microcystin variants
Deleterious and toxin producing microbes in natural and manmade environments : Haitalliset ja toksiineja tuottavat mikrobit luonnossa ja teollisessa ympäristössä
Effects of microbial mitochondriotoxins from food and indoor air on mammalian cells
Effects of waste treatment technique and quality of waste on bioaerosols in Finnish waste treatment plants
Evolution and detection of cyanobacterial hepatotoxin synthetase genes
Fast LC-MS detection of cyanobacterial peptide hepatotoxins : method development for determination of total contamination levels in biological materials
Harmful algae in the planktonic food web of the Baltic Sea
High-performance liquid chromatography of microcystins and nodularins, cyanobacterial peptide toxins
Mikrobiologian perusteita
Muscarinic toxins : characterization of adrenoceptor binding and applicability of membrane anchoring via glycosylphosphatidylinositol tail
Myrkkyjen maailma : nuolimyrkystä sariiniin
Puhdas keho
Regulation of human NK cells by cytokines and by exposure to bacterial toxins valinomycin and cereulide
Removal of cyanobacterial toxins by strains of probiotic bacteria
ROS signaling, phytohormone signaling and toxin tolerance : defense mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana against Botrytis cinerea
Selvitys elinympäristön kemikaaliriskeistä : kansallisen kemikaaliohjelman taustaselvitys
Syanobakteerien maksatoksiinien osoitusmenetelmien vertailu
Tracking cereulide producing Bacillus cereus in foods, papermaking and biowaste management
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