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Tieteellisiä julkaisuja / Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu
Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu
Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto
A mathematical study of fuzzy logic : an algebraic approach
A model for optimal design of district heating networks
A practical micro-mechanical model-based local approach methodology for the analysis of ductile fracture of welded T-joints
A study of fractionation and ultrafiltration of proteins with characterized modified and unmodified membranes
Aineen, impulssin ja energian siirtyminen turbulentissa hiukkas-kaasu-suspensiossa : turbulentin 2-komponenttireaktorin virtausten ja energian siirron teoreettinen tarkastelu sylinterisymmetrisessä tapauksessa
An experimental and theoretical study of multiphase flow in a circulating fluidized bed
An experimental and theoretical study of multiphase flow in a circulating fluidized bed
Analysis and control of excitation, field weakening and stability in direct torque controlled electrically excited synchronous motor drives
Analysis and control of excitation, field weakening and stability in direct torque controlled electrically excited synchronous motor drives
Analysis of pipe networks using linear theories
Ash particle erosion on steam boiler convective section
Calculation of process response with matrices
Choice of optimal membrane processes for economical treatment of paper machine clear filtrate
Competitor information and competitive knowledge management in a large, industrial organization
Competitor information and competitive knowledge management in a large, industrial organization
Coping with technology : a study on economic methodology and strategic management of technology
Coping with technology : a study on economic methodology and strategic management of technology
Corporate planning, strategies, and critical factors in forest industries : methodology and contents
Determining risk potential through accidents and near-accidents : an empirical study in a steel factory
Determining risk potential through accidents and near-accidents : an empirical study in a steel factory
Developing a distributed simulation environment on a cluster of workstations
Developing a distributed simulation environment on a cluster of workstations
Dynamic model of a small once-through boiler
Electrochemical characterisation of filter media properties and their exploitation in enhanced filtration
Electrochemical characterisation of filter media properties and their exploitation in enhanced filtration
Empirical analyses of inventory intensity in the Finnish engineering industry
Eräs puunhankinnan yhteistyömalli : hyödyn jakaminen peliteoreettisena ongelmana
Essays on innovativeness and its evaluation in small and medium-sized enterprises
Estimating plate efficiencies in simulation of industrial scale distillation columns
Experimental studies of electromagnetic transitions in the selfconjugated 30P, 32S and 34Cl nuclei through the (P, [gamma]) reaction
First Finnish-Japanese meeting Optics in engineering
Forecasting energy demand and CO[sub 2]-emissions from energy production in the forest industry
Fourth International Seminar on Horizontal Steam Generators : 11-13 March 1997, Lappeenranta, Finland
Fracture behaviour and assessment of design requirements against fracture in welded steel structures made of cold formed rectangular hollow sections
French-Finnish colloquium on safety of French and Russian type nuclear power plants
Ilmanvaihdon lämmönsiirtimien teknillinen ja taloudellinen mitoitus
Improving the potentials of logistics processes : identification and solutions
Improving the potentials of logistics processes : identification and solutions
International seminar of horizontal steam generator modelling
Jatkuvan ympyrälieriökuorikaton Hooken kimmolakiin perustuva ja reunaehdot tarkasti toteuttava lujuusopillinen ratkaisu käyttämällä Fourier'n sarjakehitelmiä : klassiseen kuoriteoriaan perustuva jatkuvan ympyrälieriökuorikaton lujuusopillinen matemaattinen ratkaisu, kun jatkuvia ympyrälieriökuorikattoja voi olla useampia rinnakkain, mielivaltaiset reunapalkit jäykistävät pituussuuntaisia reunoja ja omapaino-, lumi- tai tuulikuorma kuormittaa kuorta
Knapsack sets for cryptography
Knapsack sets for cryptography
Laser beam welding of austenitic-ferritic dissimilar steel joints
M[sub k]-factor equations and crack growth simulations for fatigue of fillet-welded T-joints
Maanviljelystaloudellisen koelaitoksen kasviviljelysosaston apilakokeet v. 1919-1923
Median filters : extensions, analysis and design
Monte Carlo study of charged particle behaviour in tokamak plasmas
Motives, circumstances, and success factors in partnership sourcing
Neural pattern recognition : distortion tolerance by self-organizing maps
Neurocomputing systems : formal modeling and software implementation
New distance transforms for gray-level image compression
New distance transforms for gray-level image compression
Offdesign operation of kraft recovery boiler
Offdesign operation of kraft recovery boiler
On the effects of welding parameters on weld quality of plasma arc keyhole welding of structural steels
On the reversed Brayton cycle with high speed machinery
Paperin laadun ja siihen valmistusprosessissa vaikuttavien tekijöiden on-line mittaukset
Performance prediction of gas turbines by solving a system of non-linear equations
Pressure filtration of mineral slurries : modelling and particle shape characterization
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Laser Materials Processing in the Nordic Countries : NOLAMP-3 : August 21-22, 1991 Lappeenranta, Finland
Proceedings of the 4th Finnish Mechanics Days : June 5.-6. 1991, Lappeenranta, Finland
Project business as a strategic choice : a theoretical and empirical study of project marketing
Randomized hough transform : new extensions
Role of references in international industrial marketing : a theory-building case study about supplier's processes of utilizing references
Role of references in international industrial marketing : a theory-building case study about supplier's processes of utilizing references
Second International Seminar of Horizontal Steam Generator Modelling : [September 29-30, 1992, Lappeenranta, Finland]
Spare part management of an electricity distribution network
Stability of aqueous emulsions of synthetic and extracted wood pitches
Strategy implementation bottlenecks : identification, analysis and removal
Studies on fatigue damage in a hydraulically driven boom system using virtual prototype simulations
Subsymbolic representations, self-organizing maps, and object motion learning
The effect of operational disturbances on reliability and operation time distribution of NC-machine tools in FMS
The effects of productivity on profitability : a case study at firm level using an activity-based costing approach
The effects of productivity on profitability : a case study at firm level using an activity-based costing approach
The temperature distribution of viscous fluid flowing in constricted or widened tubes far downstream from the beginning of the heated-section
Thermal-hydraulic studies on the safety of VVER-440 type nuclear power plants
Thermal-hydraulic studies on the safety of VVER-440 type nuclear power plants
Third International Seminar on Horizontal Steam Generators : October 18-20, 1994, Lappeenranta, Finland
Tiedonantoja viljelyskasveille vahingollisten eläinlajien esiintymisestä Pohjois-Suomessa
Toimitustäsmällisyyden suunnittelumenetelmä
Treatment technology of wastewater containing phenols and phenolic compounds
Tuotteen tuotantoteknisen suunnittelun ohjaaminen : tutkimus suunnittelun kannattavuuden hallintaan tähtäävän ohjausmenettelyn kehittämiseksi erityisesti kone- ja sähköteknisessä teollisuudessa
Ultrafine grinding of FGD and phosphogypsum with an attrition bead mill and a jet mill : optimisation and modelling of grinding and mill comparison
Ultrafine grinding of FGD and phosphogypsum with an attrition bead mill and a jet mill : optimisation and modelling of grinding and mill comparison
Use of population balances and particle size distribution analysis to study particulate processes affected by simultaneous mass and heat transfer and nonuniform flow conditions
Utilization of genetic algorithm in online tuning of fluid power servos
Validation studies of thermal-hydraulic code for safety analysis of nuclear power plants
Validation studies of thermal-hydraulic code for safety analysis of nuclear power plants
Yksinkertaisesti tuetun ympyrälieriökuorikaton Hooken kimmolakiin perustuva lujuusopillinen ratkaisu käyttämäFourierin sarjakehitelmiä
Yrityksen strategiaprosessi : näkökohtia strategisen johtamisen kehittämiseksi konserniorganisaatiossa
Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu : Tieteellisiä julkaisuja
Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu, tieteellisiä julkaisuja
Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu. Tieteellisiä julkaisuja
Lappeenrannan teknillisen korkeakoulun tieteellisiä julkaisuja
Research papers / Lappeenranta university of technology
Research papers / Lappeenranta University of Technology
Tiet. julk. - Lap.ran. tek. korkeak
Tieteellisiä julkaisuja
Tieteellisiä julkaisuja / Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu
Tieteellisiä julkaisuja / Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu = Research papers / Lappeenranta University of Technology
Vetenskapliga publikationer / Tekniska högskolan i Villmanstrand
1973-1998 : Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu
View this in Finna
Tiet. julk. - Lap.ran. tek. korkeak
Ceased publication
Research papers / Lappeenranta University of Technology
Tiet. julk. - Lap.ran. tek. korkeak
Tieteellisiä julkaisuja
Vetenskapliga publikationer / Tekniska högskolan i Villmanstrand
Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu
Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu
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