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Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Puunjalostuksen kemian laboratorio
Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Puunjalostuksen kemian laboratorio
Authored works
Works contributed to
12th Scandinavian Symposium on Surface Chemistry
Adhesion of reactive sizes and paper machine fouling
Adsorption kinetics of wood materials on oxides
Characterisation of fibre surfaces from TCF bleached softwood and hardwood kraft pulps
Confocal raman microscopy in chemical and physical characterization of coated and printed papers
Distribution and redox reactions of certain polyoxometalate anions in chemical pulp suspensions
Effect of surface properties of fibres on some paper properties of mechanical and chemical pulp
ESCA studies of cellulosic and other polymer surfaces
Extended abstracts
Fouling of polymer surfaces in paper machine wet end
FT-IR and UV Raman spectroscopic studies on thermal modification of Scots pine wood and its extractable compounds
Interactions between cationic starch and anionic surfactants
Interfacial interactions and fouling in paper machines
Keitto- ja valkaisumenetelmien vaikutus sellukuidun pintakemiaan ja adheesio-ominaisuuksiin : loppuraportti
Kierrätyskuidun siistaaminen ja sen vaikutukset massan ominaisuuksiin
Konfokaali-Raman-spektrometrin käyttö paperin päällysteen syvyyssuuntaiseen analysointiin
Lewis acid-base interactions in surface chemistry
Paperikoneen puristusosan adheesio-ongelmat
Paperinvalmistuksen pinta- ja kolloidikemia
Raman and IR methods in paper industry : spectroscopy seminar, Dipoli, Espoo 24th October 2002
Reports / Helsinki University of Technology. Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry. A
Sorption of xylans on cellulose fibres
Surface interactions in TMP process waters
Surface properties of unbleached kraft pulp fibres, determined by different methods
TCF-valkaisun jätevesien koostumus : raportti Tekes-projektista kaudelta 17.7.1995-22.7.1996
The adsorption of nonionic surfactants and polyacrylate on talc
The effect of coating components and fillers in deinking of paper : 3, Image analysis and microscopic investigations
The effect of coating components and fillers in the deinking of paper : Part 2, Complete model systems
The effect of cooking and bleaching on the surface chemistry and charge properties of kraft pulp fibres
The effect of cooking and bleaching on the surface properties of cellulosic fibers
The effect of deinking chemicals in flotation deinking of paper
The effect of surfactants and process water on the detachment and flotation of ink
The surface and colloid chemistry of pigments
Theory of the ring and Wilhelmy plate methods
Workshop on flocculation, floc structure and consolidation : held in Espoo, Finland 13-14 June 1994 : extended abstracts
Works about Teknillinen korkeakoulu. Puunjalostuksen kemian laboratorio
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